Starting from meager beginnings, WhatsApp is presently the most popular messaging platform in the world. It has 2 billion active users monthly.
This is an excellent marketing channel for businesses to connect directly with their audience anywhere on the planet.
A majority of WhatsApp users check the app at least once every day. But if you introduce, offers and discounts, then the text message opening rate sees an exponential boost.
Although a communication tool between people, Whatsapp is also a fantastic tool for marketing and advertising.
It must be noted that WhatsApp may have a large user base but it is a relatively new platform for running ads and marketing.
This can be very beneficial for businesses because the cost of running ads is quite low due to the lack of competition on a new platform.
Besides, many businesses are waiting to try the platform only after getting some positive feedback from others.
However, using a small budget for WhatsApp marketing can work wonders for your business. So let us better understand What Is Whatsapp Marketing and Its Benefits
What Is WhatsApp Marketing?
WhatsApp Marketing is simply the use of the mobile messaging application WhatsApp for marketing. Specifically, it is used for conversational commerce or to communicate with customers.
Essentially, it is a supplement for SMS marketing. WhatsApp can be used to communicate with customers via voice calls or video calls, giving it a natural advantage over traditional phone calls.
It is worth noting that WhatsApp does not have in-app advertising. That is, your advertising is limited to your communications with the customer.
However, you can use click-to-WhatsApp ads, to drive traffic to your WhatsApp business account.
Note that WhatsApp marketing is free to use and works with Wi-Fi or data. The internet flexibility is essential since not all of your customers have a good smartphone or data plan but the app can still send and receive a variety of data including text messages, images, and others.
Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing
WhatsApp offers rich media sharing options and has been adopted globally. It has evolved from being a mere messaging app to a news source (questionable) as well as a lucrative marketing tool.
One can easily claim that WhatsApp has a direct connection to an individual’s bread and butter. Companies use it for internal as well as external communication. So here are some benefits of WhatsApp marketing.
1. It’s a Private and Secure Platform
A secure mode of communication is a prerequisite for business, customers, and people in the digital world.
There is always a threat of data misuse in the air. However, WhatsApp has become a trusted platform for secure communication with no scope for any data hack by third parties.
WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption on all messages irrespective of their type, be it audio, video, images, and more.
This form of encryption only allows the sender and the receiver to see the content for WhatsApp itself cannot break through the encryption.
Besides, businesses using WhatsApp Business need to verify each account. This ensures that the customer is contacting a verified true company or business.
2. Improved Customer Relationship
Time is money and quick communication gets you the deal. Also, customers feel comfortable while dealing with a business through a familiar mode of communication.
Besides, ease of access reduces the distance between the business and its customers. WhatsApp Business gives you precisely all that and more.
It is a quick, efficient, and reliable platform of communication preferred by millions throughout the world.
It provides real-time updates and alerts and urgent queries can be answered in a direct and timely fashion. Besides, people feel more connected to a brand through the use of messaging apps.
3. An Engaging Digital Channel
Know thy customer and grow thy business. WhatsApp Business messaging helps businesses do exactly that by enabling them to collect and analyze valuable consumer research. This is done by asking direct questions to the customers and gauging their choice.
Businesses can also send quick polls and surveys to better understand the demand for their products and services.
Besides, businesses can respond instantly to queries using the messaging app giving the communication a personal touch.
4. Higher Conversion Rate
It is important to choose the right channel for your initial contact with customers. People generally are not fond of phone calls, emails, or social media.
This is where WhatsApp comes in handy. Customers have a greater tendency to respond to WhatsApp messages from the business than to other forms of communication. Messaging also helps in boosting the conversion rate
5. Improved Sales
A simple, efficient, and secure mode of communication does wonders for sales. It has been observed that there is usually a considerable increase in sales leads following the addition of a WhatsApp number to a business website.
Seems like the easy access to a company just through a messaging app increases brand confidence in potential customers.
Quick response to queries and the personal feeling that messaging has a positive influence on the customers buying decision. Besides, WhatsApp can also be used for direct purchase which is a growing trend presently.
6. Lower Cost of Marketing
Given the fact that WhatsApp is a relatively new marketing channel, it is very affordable, especially for small businesses.
After all, you only need the app and internet connection. This is probably the best ROI in digital marketing since the chances of your message being read by the customer are always high.
This is because an average user keeps checking WhatsApp multiple times a day.
7. Supports Automation
One of the primary advantages of WhatsApp is that businesses can deliver instant customer service. Businesses can directly get in touch with their customers on their smartphones.
Besides, the “quick replies” option on WhatsApp Business enables businesses to store and reuse useful and frequently sent messages. This further increases the response time of customer service.
Is WhatsApp Marketing Effective?
The one-word answer to the question Is WhatsApp marketing effective is ‘absolutely’. WhatsApp is one of the fastest-growing messaging apps in the world and might I say, the most successful messaging app in the world.
It has become an indivisible part of almost everyone’s life and it’s still growing. The very fact that it is a free marketing tool and its millions of users should suffice to make you use this potent digital marketing application.
In conclusion, WhatsApp is very effective and provides a Return on Investment (ROI) no matter your budget size. Therefore it is well advised to at least test the potency of the app with a minor investment.
Do note that the success of your ad campaign is not relative to the success or failure of someone else. Every business has its unique approach. However, WhatsApp marketing benefits cannot be ignored.
This article has explained What Is Whatsapp Marketing and Its Benefits. But if you are still unsure regarding your next step, you can always get in touch with the experienced team of OneCity and get flying grades for your business.